Saturday, June 12, 2010

I’m still here

It’s been way too long, I’ve missed you but I haven’t had a lot of positive things to say.  So I decided to take the advice given by all mothers.  If you don’t have anything nice to say, the don’t say anything at all.  So I’ve been silent, at least silent on the blog.  My poor friends and parents have heard plenty…a girl has to vent after all.  I’m trying to figure out ways to generate some extra income.  The lighting business is still going but seems to have slowed down a bit.  I seem to recall hearing something about a recession.  I wonder what that’s all about?  So what does a girl who works 6 days a week most weeks do for extra money?  When you figure it out let me know, I seem to have a brain blockage. 

Let’s see what else is going on…I’m still knitting nothing exciting but I have managed to finish one pair of socks.  Of course by the time I finished the wool socks it was spring.  No matter, I’m really proud of those socks.  I’m working on another pair but these are going slowly because life keeps getting in the way and lately I’ve been way too tired to do much.

Work has been stressful to say the least.  It worries me but I’m sure that everybody else is in the same boat.  I feel like I can’t do enough to stay relevant.  I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed and being that I don’t know the word “no” it leads to mistakes and in this environment mistakes are considered unacceptable, particularly by management.  Too much to do and not enough time.  That’s the mantra of most people I know right now.

Kiddo is doing well, we still haven’t achieved being potty trained yet but we are working on it.  He seems to be really starting to get it.  Please get it, I’m tired of buying diapers.  We took him fishing for the first time last week.  He had the best time.  He even threw the fish back a few times.  I left the diapers in the truck and we had a bit of an accident.  My kid hates having wet clothes and had to take off his shorts and diaper in the boat.  Good thing we were in the shade and had lots of sunscreen.  I have no idea how I would have explained a sunburned “dingus”.

Well, that’s enough for now.  I promise I’ll try to start writing more often and if I can swing it I’ll get some way to start uploading pictures of life and knitting projects.

Talk to you soon.