Saturday, January 9, 2010

A few ideas for the coming year.

Well, the holidays are now since past and we had a fantastic time.  We hosted our first ever Christmas with our guests being my FIL and a family friend.  Not a big event but lovely none the less.  This was the kiddo's first real Christmas, he's finally starting to grasp the idea of Santa.  He had a great time and has played with everything that the Big Man provided.  His favorite toys being the Spiderman figure and his easel and the "blue one" Bass boat and Hummer that he specifically asked for from Santa.  He has requested a bath every night since Christmas because of that boat.  Sometimes more than one a day.  

New Year's wasn't a big deal.  We had a lovely dinner with flank steak, bruschetta, black eyed peas, pico de gallo and fudge.  A little eclectic but tasty.  I was asleep before midnight and I think the hubby wasn't too far behind me.  

But now it's time to look backwards and forwards and figure out what I can reasonably improve or change.  So here are my "ideas" for 2010.

1.  Try to be healthier.  Walking more and eating better are good ways to accomplish this we'll see if I actually do it.  Odds are that this is the first idea that will go out the window.

2.  Learn how to knit socks.  As soon as I finish my scarf/wrap, I'll start this project.  I'm very excited about it and a little nervous.  It seems very difficult and I'm pretty sure I don't have enough experience to even attempt it.

3.  Post more often.  This has been hampered by my home computer crashing on me.  I'm now waiting for Dell to build my cheap netbook and ship it.  Should be here by early Feb.  Can't happen fast enough.  I just hope it works.

4.  Get out of the house more often.  I'm hoping to join a local knitting group.  I don't make friends easily and it scares the dookey out of me to put myself out there.  What if they don't like me.

5.  Figure a way to decrease our debt.  I know...spend less.  I'm trying but unfortunately life keeps throwing obstacles in my way.  (the aforementioned computer crash).

6.  Figure out alternative sources of income...any ideas?

7.  Be a better mother and wife...spend more time in the moment with both husband and child.

I think these are somewhat do able.  I don't want to call them resolutions because that is a definite road to failure.  But they are some ideas that have been germinating in my little brain of fluff.  

Until I get the computer posting is going to be hard to do.  I will shoot for minimum once a week but don't give up on me if it doesn't happen.  

Talk to you later (soon I hope) 

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